Ottawa COVID-19 Projections

613COVID Website Update

Ottawa wastewater surveillance continues with daily testing and analysis performed in the lab of Dr. Robert Delatolla, Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Ottawa, who has led that work since its inception in April 2020.

The lab, led by Dr. Delatolla, has expanded its focus beyond SARS-CoV-2 to include influenza and RSV viruses, with the data being regularly reported on the official website.

Please follow @DelatollaLab on X (Twitter) for further contextualization of the data.

Acknowledgments are extended to Dr. Doug Manuel and Dr. Tyson Graber for their valuable contributions and support during the unprecedented times of the pandemic and beyond. The collaborative efforts reflect a commitment to advancing public health initiatives through innovative research and data analysis.

Wastewater surveillance continues to be a key indicator to monitoring COVID-19 and other illnesses and there are ongoing efforts towards building a national wastewater dashboard. We are honoured to have so many people in Ottawa use, consult, and support our application

Last updated on 21 October, 2024, 16:50:52.

Pour le français cliquez ici.

This website has forecasts of hospitalization counts from COVID-19 and wastewater recovery of SARS-CoV-2.

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Click here to access the COVID-19 Daily Dashboard created by Ottawa Public Health. The Ottawa Public Health dashboard provides up to date COVID-19 metrics that inform projections presented on this website.

Note: Hospitalizations are no longer updated on the site past June 30, 2023 as the open data source is no longer available. As per Ottawa Public Health, hospital data reflecting the past 3-5 days should be considered preliminary as data is still being received and entered for this time period.

Projection of hospital census in Ottawa {#hospitalization-projections} Projection of hospital census in Ottawa are presented below. See Methods for how the projections where created. Short-term projections can trend in different directions when there are changing patterns of community COVID-19 transmission. For example, predicted hospital counts can be underestimated during periods of rapid re-opening.


Hospital count is the count of patients in all Ottawa hospitals at midnight on the previous day. OPH counts and hospital counts reported from other sources may be different because:

  • Hospital counts from other sources may include people who do not reside in Ottawa;
  • Interpretation of clearance may vary between hospitals and OPH;
  • Interpretation of treated for COVID-19 and being treated primarily for COVID-19 may vary slightly; and
  • OPH workload may delay the clearance of hospitalizations in preference to reporting new ones by OPH when volumes are high.

Transmission is the risk that a person becomes infected when they come in contact with a person with COVID-19.

Doubling time refers to the time it takes for the number of hospitalized patients to double in number. Conversely, halving time refers to the time it takes for the number of hospitalized patients to halve in number.

Daily growth is the rate of change in the hospitalization from day-to-day.

Physical distancing is a reduction in close contact between people.

Wise socializing is ensuring you don’t become a link in a COVID-19 transmission chain that ends in a person becoming hospitalized or dying. This involves wearing a mask in indoor spaces, isolating yourself from others when sick, staying 2 meters apart from people outside your household, and exercising proper hand hygiene. Click here for more details on being COVIDWise.

See the More page for more definitions and more information about the terms used.